Saturday, 29 April 2017

To offend or not to offend? That's the question, but what's the answer?

Andrew Turner's reported response (sincerely meant, no doubt, but I cannot vouch for that!) obviously unleashed some unmitigated fury among some [never mind the wider world], and the whole issue has now become a litmus test for public office. Tim Farron, of course, can explain this far better than I could ever hope to! If only he had stayed in his closet! I daren’t quote the Almighty, who, at any rate, can speak for Himself! And we all know what happened to the Son of God when He didn't keep quiet!
Free speech is now no longer a cherished value! Just a wrong phrase is enough to shut down any debate on anything! How to win an argument without having to argue!
As a Christian I am of course - by default – biased, unlike the rest, who are extremely tolerant, unfailingly courteous and benignly neutral towards those who keep stumm. Very nice, indeed! 
How grateful one ought to be to such folks: ‘It’s a Great Day to Be Alive’, to coin a phrase! So I must quote an old and dead infidel to jump to my defence who was supposed to have said (and if not, he should have said it!): “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” (Voltaire)
Presumably I won't be able to stand for parliament if I say that 'Corbynites' are wrong and a danger to society. I am sure my very thoughts will outrage the thought police! My views on right wing politics are even more unprintable!
So Turner has committed the unforgivable sin; like Farron he may yet change his mind, if he catches the modern Zeitgeist! But never mind all the good he has done as a constituent MP! Only God can forgive him now! And as God only justifies the ungodly there is hope for Turner, this writer and all humanity! Can there be anything more important? 

Lee Anderson's recent 'contribution' to a non-sensical debate raises lots of other questions: 1. Should human llamas be fed anim...