Monday, 19 June 2017


Source: Click here.
Tim Farron’s recent resignation from his leadership position has attracted some unhelpful, if not hysterical, media attention, bordering on the banal when viewed in the wider scheme of things. Someone obviously got a bit bored! The whole thing (recorded here) left me fertummelt. But perhaps I should be asking myself, hey, ‘what was all that about’?, as Stephen Fry might have put it!
One would have thought that there were (or, should have been) more urgent things going on in the world of British journalism during the recent election campaign. Minoring on majors and majoring on minors will inevitable result in disaster!
As I am reflecting in bright day light, I am getting more pink by the minute. Nowadays one is ashamed to blush! One has to stay cool!
The sorry episode seems to me [if my thinking is straight, I certainly would not wish to bend the truth] that a new litmus test must be applied to anyone wishing to access or hold on to public office, as the thought police will be after you! ‘Don’t ask – don’t tell’ is no longer an option, now that so many journalists are far more skilled than the Spanish Inquisition! The knives are out, and even the pope can do nothing about it! Farron’s endearingly naïve ineptitude proved to be a stepping stone in his political downfall, but ironically, it will have helped some poorly paid and self-righteous journalist decked with Schadenfreude to reach higher heights, or, lower depths! Better be bold!
I have no problems with egological politicians being paxmarised, but Farron’s ego registers pretty low on the political Richter scale, judging by his performance in the House of Commons! For a politician he strikes me as genuinely humble, completely lacking the killer instinct! Much of what he stands for is commendable, but he lacks gravitas and duplicty! But that no longer matters in a world obsessed with – stop! Mustn’t go there!
Perhaps Farron now realises that “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please the anti-liberal media at any time”. Those who are intolerant of the tolerant cannot and will not be pleased, ever, but they should not be appeased! I am waiting for the BBC to interview an imam on whether gay sex is a sin!!! Okay, dream on! I would not want this to end in a nightmare!
Source: Click here.
Farron views himself as a Christian, but his understanding of human sexuality sits ill at ease with the Bible! Like so many Anglicans, he is muddled, but such ignorance is culpable, as the Bible is quite clear. Uncle Richard can explain this much better than I can. 1:0 to the atheists!
Doing so many Farronian U-turns would leave lesser mortals like myself in a real spin. I still have no idea what Farron actually believes, though his voting record does provide some insight.
Justin Welby may have helped Farron to face the whole issue head-on from two opposite directions at the same time, as this article shows. Both/and double-talk, rather than either/or hate-speech will always provide fodder for the neighing horses.
Farron’s resignation (historic, because of its content) speech was duly witnessed by an embarrassed coterie who politely applauded (they had no choice). It made me cringe! At any rate, who needs such friends, one may ask? A friend in need is – a pain!
Farron felt pressurised to resign which was deplorable as he is a very talented politician, and I would have wanted him to stay on, but it was not to be. If he sacrificed his ambitions for conscience’s sake, then he deserves our respect. At any rate, it proved to be another bad day for democracy!

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