Tuesday, 1 December 2020


Here is an adapted extract from John Kennedy’s The Days of The Fathers in Ross-shire, posing a challenge to preacher and hearer alike.

1. There are some who preach BEFORE their people, like actors on the stage,  to display themselves and to please their audience.

2. There are others who preach OVER their people. Studying
for the highest, instead of doing so for the lowest, in intelligence, they elaborate learned treatises, which float like mist, when delivered over the heads of their hearers.

3. There are some who preach PAST their people. Directing their praise or their censure to intangible abstractions, they never take aim at the views and the conduct of the individuals before them. They step carefully aside, lest their hearers should be struck by their shafts, and aim them at phantoms beyond them.

4. There are others who preach AT their people, serving out in a sermon the gossip of the week, and seemingly possessed with the idea, that the transgressor can be scolded out of the ways of iniquity.

5. There are some who preach TOWARDS their people. They aim well, but they are weak. Their eye is along the arrow towards the hearts of their hearers, but their arm is too feeble for sending it on to the mark. Superficial in their experience and in their knowledge, they reach not the cases of God s people by their doctrine, and they strike with no vigour at the consciences of the ungodly.

6. There are others still, who preach ALONG their congregation. Instead of standing with their bow in front of the rank, these archers take it in line, and reducing their mark to an individual, never change the direction of their aim.

7. But there are a few who preach TO the people directly and seasonably the mind of God in His word, with authority, unction, wisdom, fervour, and love. 

Lee Anderson's recent 'contribution' to a non-sensical debate raises lots of other questions: 1. Should human llamas be fed anim...