Saturday, 7 August 2021

That "Funtastic" Woman Again!

Al Mohler's address, viz. 'The Legacy of Margaret Thatcher', has warmed my heart. Okay, he got muddled over England, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, not to mention the British aristocracy, and he could, indeed, should also have drawn attention to the Margaret Thatcher Foundation! He also pertinently referred to one of my favourite addresses by the lady, which has come to be known as 'the Sermon on the Mound' (named after the location in Edinburgh) which is also watchable online here. I doubt whether there are many pulpits in the established Scottish Kirk that would be bold enough to speak with such clarity and conviction. 
A Mohler could, indeed, should have mentioned Keith Joseph, whose comments about the family I have referred to elsewhere on my blog. I hope that Mohler's address will act as a stimulus to explore M Thatcher's legacy again! She was a truly remarkable leader, decisive and determined, strident and focused. One knew where one stood with her, unlike what one sees today. 
Margaret Thatcher was quintessentially magnificent from the perspective of anyone who loves freedom and economic prosperity under the rule of law and order. As a conviction politician she was a formidable force, always strong because others were extremely weak, full of integrity and very British, indeed. She did, after all, put the ‘Great’ back into Britain, because she herself was a great lady. This country, not to mention millions across the globe, owes her a great debt. Like all of us, she had flaws, but history will judge her more kindly still. Will her legacy be forgotten in time? No, no, no! Never!

Lee Anderson's recent 'contribution' to a non-sensical debate raises lots of other questions: 1. Should human llamas be fed anim...