Friday, 28 August 2020

When NOT to be silent!

The Free Church ain't what it used to be. Matters have surely come to a sorry pass judging by a recent advert. My criticism is not directed at the person in the pew, who has little say over church affairs (though money still talks, I see), which perhaps is just as well. Needless to say, diplomacy is not something I can brag about, but I am pleased that my concern has been listened to by the secular Press, both locally and nationally. I do not expect much to come from it, mind you! Who cares about Christian influence in high places? Will one obtain it by paying 30 pieces of silver? 

I am, of course, only speaking on my own behalf, and as the Free Church is now an increasingly broad church, she will be robust enough to handle a restrained outburst from one of its less distinguished members. 

I am grateful that the press (local and national) have published my comments (see below). 

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