Thursday, 11 February 2021

Sad, bad, mad!

  • Mention 'Trump', and I will jump! But the term 'American evangelicalism' will affect my BP which is not necessarily good for my health! Let me explain!
  • Watching the first part of this disturbing documentary, viz. 2020 The Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Year For The Prophets, has not been an enjoyable experience. My spiritual alarm bells, which are ringing in my ears a lot these days, have been sending some hellish shivers down my sensitive spine, leaving me somewhat disturbed!
  • Some charismaniacs do, indeed, have a gift (pardon the pun) for making the Montanists and Irvingites look entirely sane. Even academics like Dr. R T Kendall, who has endorsed the so-called Toronto blessing (see here) looks normal after all!
  • I'll leave it to the experts to decide on who is sane and who is not!
  • I hope that president J Biden, unlike his predecessor, will keep deranged fantasists away from the White House! I would certainly not invite them into my own home!
  • Indeed, a case can be made for building asylums for those who are somehow unhinged, and there is plenty of money to be found among them to pay for their grievous misdeeds!
  • I also hope that Mark Zuckerberg will take note: A strong case for censorship can be made!
  • I guess, notwithstanding, that genuine Christianity alone is worth counterfeiting. As a Bible-believing Christian, I am feeling reassured again.
  • Trump is gone, Biden has come, I am still here. There is hope, after all!

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