Monday, 17 July 2023

Bad - sad - mad!

Matt Walsh Debates Transgender Woman Who Struggles with "What Is A Woman?" Question

Freedom of speech is a wonderful God-given gift, given to minions, like myself, who have to obey the powers to be! Well, I have been Shapiroed! If this egololical man is a woman, then I am mad person living in Lal-la land! Or, as Ben Shapiro may have put it, one does not need a PhD do recognise b***shit (pardon my language)! And I do, of course, apologise to all the bulls in the world! May I suggest an entry for the Guinness Book of Record for floccinaucinihilipilification? Notwithstanding the title, I would not even call the whole fiasco a debate. Let's look out for any lunatics that might want to take over the asylum! Or, as a Greek person may want to put it, totally 'διαβολικός' (confusing / diabolical!). And it isn't April 1st, either! At any rate, if a man wants to pretend to be a woman,  that is, of course, entirely up to him, and not me.  But, if he wants me to pretend to be a woman, then that is up to me, and not him!

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