I cannot believe my luck! I have been accosted which is most
flattering, given my age and my looks! This time by the education
secretary herself, albeit via an unsolicited email! Already we are on first-name terms!
The poor woman, of course, does not even know me (or my wife), which
is just as well! She ought to be thankful! Mind you, for the record,
she is not after me, which is a relief! But after my vote, which is
not a relief!
I have no issues with the raising of educational standards (whatever
that might mean – I need to have a word with uncle Charlie!), but
how does one go about it? By keeping politics out of education, and
letting teachers get on with it! My natural instincts tell me that
teachers should be trusted more than politicians to get the job done!
Now that would be a rather exciting, new and revolutionary
I do not understand why the education secretary seeks to blame the
Labour Party for failing schools, whilst at the same time claiming
that government policy explains educational success! Never mind the
teachers, then, or parents, or auxiliary staff, or hard working
pupils! My gut feeling tells me that there must a general election on
the horizon!

Now whilst I am at … Teachers are generally overworked (because
imposed upon like slaves expecting to make bricks without straw),
greatly undervalued (more so than politicians), poorly paid, wrongly
blamed for a general lack of discipline among young people (never
mind the turbulence in the house of Commons!), and worst of all,
living in fear of unerring, uninspectable Ofsted inspectors now
endued from on high with
power which must fill any infallible pope with envy!
Never in the field of human education was so much owed by so many
teachers to so few inspectors, to coin an Ofsted slogan! Ask
any failing school! Then thank
our education secretary –
who has invited all teachers for a date: May 7th,
My verdict: Nicky Morgan must do
better to get my vote!
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