Saturday, 13 December 2014

Ailurophobic Tomfoolery!

My devoted fans will know that I care little for the pope, and his latest remarks about cats predestined to a life in hell (no purrgatory?!) has done little to warm me to the man dressed in purrrple. I nearly had kittens when I read his cataclysmic (okay, it’s another childish pun!) remarks. It made me wonder what the pope does for a living. Has he got nothing better to do? And how does he know? Did St. Francis tell him? Is it in the Catechism? It ain’t in my Bible! John Wesley was looking forward to seeing his horse in heaven; so may be be there is hope for some cats, as long as they have Methodist blood in them! The pope is reported to have told a little girl that “the only way you will see your cat again is if you reject God’s grace and end up in hell!” Catholic Tomfoolery, indeed, but then I was born a Jerry! No barking, please! Charles Lutwidge Do(d)g(son) may not approve! It leaves me wondering where all the cats are gone ... My Cheshire friends will know the answer!

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