Tuesday, 25 December 2018

Money, money, is not funny in a rich man's world. Aha! (from Abba - papa)

"Pope Francis has said that the true meaning of Christmas is being drowned out by materialism" (BBC, 2016). Now what is all that glittering stuff in the background, part of the richest institution on earth?
It reminds me of the following account: Dominic continued to preach and to debate where he could, and in 1215 he founded an order of preachers, who were to live in poverty, and devote themselves to studying philosophy and theology and to combatting false doctrine by logical argument rather than by the use of force. He was convinced that a major obstacle to the conversion of heretics was the material wealth of some of the clergy, which made plausible the accusation that they were concerned for their purses and not for the glory of God, and made workers indisposed to hear them. He therefore determined that the brothers of his order should live lives of poverty and simplicity, being no better off materially than those they sought to convert. When he was in Rome, seeking authorization for his order from the Pope, the Pope gave him a tour of the treasures of the Vatican, and remarked complacently (referring to Acts 3:6), "Peter can no longer say, 'Silver and gold have I none.'" Dominic turned and looked straight at the Pope, and said, "No, and neither can he say, 'Rise and walk.'" 
And how did the papacy accrue so much wealth in the first place in its shameful history?!
Lucas Cranach

May be it's time to read what happened all those years ago, in Mark's Gospel: And they came to Jerusalem. And he entered the temple and began to drive out those who sold and those who bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. And he would not allow anyone to carry anything through the temple. And he was teaching them and saying to them, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations’? But you have made it a den of robbers.” And the chief priests and the scribes heard it and were seeking a way to destroy him, for they feared him, because gall the crowd was astonished at his teaching. (ESV).
I don't suppose Jesus is all that popular in the Vatican! 
But let Jesus have the last word: " “You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”", Mark 10 in loc. (ESV)

Friday, 16 November 2018

Who is my neighbour?

Forgetting about Brexit for a moment, my emotions have been stirred on reading this account about a young man who was assaulted for being openly homosexual. The attack was despicable, illustrating that weaklings usually hunt in packs. By way of contrast, Brian’s response was commendable and courageous. 
I wish that Bible-believing Christians could muster some courage to stand up for what the Bible teaches about human sexuality, and loving one’s neighbour, and social justice, and human dignity! 

Being a Bible-believing Christian these days, will, of course, attract greater opposition than Blair Wilson could ever imagine. I could easily prove this by stating my view on LGBT issues!

Martin Niemoeller speaks with an authentic voice. I would not want it to be said of me that I did not speak out about Blair Wilson as if piety was more important than solidarity! 

Thursday, 20 September 2018

First left - then right!

Mrs. T and the S. Word

Speaking of socialists Margaret Thatcher remarked that "what we need from these people is not advice, but an apology." The following quotes - by permission - have been gleaned from Margaret Thatcher Foundation.
The nine most dangerous words in the English language are “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help” (Ronald Reagan).
"We [Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher] knew what worked. Small government. Low taxes. Sound money. Private property. Enterprise. They are what worked - and they always work. We knew too what didn't work - namely, socialism in every shape or form. And how many forms there are! Socialism is like one of those horrible viruses. You no sooner discover a remedy for one version, than it spontaneously evolves into another. In the past, there was nationalisation, penal taxation and the command economy. Nowadays socialism is more often dressed up as environmentalism, feminism, or international concern for human rights. All sound good in the abstract. But scratch the surface and you'll as likely as not discover anti-capitalism, patronising and distorting quotas, and intrusions upon the sovereignty and democracy of nations. New slogans: old errors ... I am glad that freedom is on the march again. But there is still in our own countries, particularly in the media class, a pervasive culture of puerile anti-westernism that needs to be changed. There are too many people who imagine that there is something sophisticated about always believing the best of those who hate your country, and the worst of those who defend it. Self-doubt can on occasion be attractive; self-criticism may sometimes be necessary; but self-loathing is a sure-fire guarantee of a nervous breakdown."
"They still believe in a bossy state that tells you which schools your children should go to, how much homework they must do, and even when they ought to go to bed. But, of course, we're all just children in the eyes of this government"

 “The proponents of these ideologies engaged in polemics and indeed violence against each other. But they had more in common than they admitted. For their essence was that the state had the right, indeed the duty, to act like God. And the results were devilish.”
 “The Russians who are lucky to have such a marvellous sense of humour, if only because they've had so little to laugh about, recount a story about Leonid Brezhnev's arrival at the pearly gates. St. Peter tells him that he has been found wanting but that he can choose between a capitalist and a socialist hell. To St. Peter's surprise the former Soviet leader replies that he prefers a socialist hell. St. Peter tells him to think carefully: this is no time for propaganda. But Brezhnev repeats that he chooses a socialist hell. St. Peter grants his wish, but asks for an explanation. To which Brezhnev replies that at least in a socialist hell they will always be short of fuel.”
“a system of the sort described by T. S. Eliot as being "so perfect that no one will need to be good"
“a system of the sort described by T. S. Eliot as being "so perfect that no one will need to be good"
"it's not just the under-class but the "over-class" that causes the trouble. If politicians or bureaucrats are given power that is unaccountable and unrestrained they will, in the long-run, be as corrupt as they can get away with. That's the best possible argument for limited government - and a pretty good one too against a centralised European Super-state"

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Law-abiding Muslims deserve better!

I have been asked by a well-meaning friend to ‘like’ a poster [apparently recycled, when it should have been left in the recycling bin] on facebook. I would urge anyone to agree with me – respectfully – not to be so quick on the button! 
I am, of course, writing as a non-Muslim, and my support they do not need, but the attached M Niemoeller quote provides my raison d'être
The poster, in my mind at any rate, recalls – with a degree of horror – the way the Nazi Germany often portrayed male Jews per se as child-molesters. It did the trick – Machiavelli was only a novice! Then the Jews – now the Muslims! They seem to get blamed a lot these days!
I do not deny that some of the vilest crimes are committed under a religious cloak, apparently quite literally so, judging by what one reads about Roman Catholic priests that would have made the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah blush with shame! But it is slanderous to insinuate that all Muslims or Roman Catholics are or may be predators! Some wish it to be so, as it would confirm and justify their malicious mind-set, but thankfully it ain’t necessarily so! 
The poster intends to provoke an unjustified suspicion, creating a prejudice against Muslims, which I deeply deplore. The poster takes no account of the fact that some Muslim children may also be victims! The poster does not name its author; if it did, I would report him! The poster is morally and utterly reprehensible! 
Notwithstanding Richard Dawkin’s warped views on paedophilia - and P Tatchell is not far behind (let there be no misunderstanding about that!) -, I expect every decent Muslim, Catholic, and also atheist to stand up and condemn grooming, which is a terrible euphemism for a particularly heinous crime! In a free society, all are equal under the law, irrespective of how many legs [Muslim ones or not] one might have, to misquote George Orwell!
For sure, I resent paying taxes to keep the worst of criminals alive in jail! Where the evidence is unassailable, the ultimate deterrent should be reinstated for the most heinous crimes! The dead don’t re-offend, and children can sleep safely in their own beds!
I cannot embrace Islam as I am a Christian by conviction, but to 'like' that poster would send out the wrong message to my friend and also my Muslim friends. No one should have to live under a cloud of suspicion. But let us not be naive, either. The poster says more about the anonymous author, then the wider Muslim community. There are occasions when we need to remind ourselves of our common humanity! It can be humbling but also enriching! And some things we should not only not like, but also speak out against!

Thursday, 10 May 2018


Presumably, we have all heard about the blonde female who was so very pleased with herself for having finished a jig-saw puzzle in just under six weeks. Understandably so, since it said on the box, 2-4 years!

Naturally, and in solidarity with all my victim friends, I am outraged at being made fun of, as I am blond myself! Is there no respect left in this world? I am not even sure whether I get it, but never mind. It can't be helped! I am sure it is all part of a world-wide conspiracy! Must get in touch with Dan Brown!

Now cracking a good joke may be offensive, if it were not so serious! Were I to end up in court it would be the end of my distinguished career! Mind you, the idea of free bed and breakfast is not entirely unappealing, but only if my wife can join me!

I would certainly not be able to repay all the blonde people in the world! Perhaps I should blame the jig-saw people, which would be slightly puzzling!

Image result for bad hair day cartoonSo, how can I extricate myself from this mess, now that I have opened my mouth? Maybe I should try to invest some money in a rain-bow coloured wig, or undergo some counselling? Perhaps Donald Trump can help, or even Meister Boris! They surely can understand my predicament! They know all there is to know about bad hair days!

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Hope this rings a bell!

Here we go again!

Since writing this post readers may also take a look at Jules Gomes' contribution.

Lee Anderson's recent 'contribution' to a non-sensical debate raises lots of other questions: 1. Should human llamas be fed anim...